Friday, May 1, 2009

A little update

It's been a while since I updated this thing. Not a whole lot going on here, just enjoying the day to day changes in our life. Caleb changes every day it seems. He's getting his own little personality. His newest thing is laughing. We have yet to get this act on video but he is very very very adorable.
We will be headed home to G.R. next weekend for Mother's Day. I am anxious to do this with Caleb now that he is a little older and more alert. I'm sure it will be just fine. Well that's about all for now, here's a link to some of the latest here

Thursday, April 16, 2009

smiles, hiccups, and spit

I took this video of Caleb yesterday. Wait unti the end to see the huge glob of spit that he works up. It's pretty funny and of course he's pretty cute the rest of it too. Like normal he's got the hiccups.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our little heart breaker

Hello a little update. Things are going great! Caleb is growing like a weed these days. I can't believe how fast time is going and how big he is getting. He is over 13 pounds already! We have his 2 month check-up tomorrow. Unfortunately this means his first round of shots :( I'm really not looking forward to it. I'm sure I'm dreading it more than he is.

The big news is that Caleb slept through the night last night! 7 hours straight in his crib. This is verrrry exciting. We'll see if this becomes a habit but I'm not getting my hopes up.

A friend of mine took some very cute pictures for us the other day, but for some reason I couldn't get them to load, so here is a link to a few of the favorites...

Friday, March 27, 2009

2 Months!

Happy Friday everyone! This week Caleb had his 2 month birthday on Monday. He is getting so big. My mom is here for the end of the week while I was working. The work week has wrapped up and I am very glad that it is over. It has confirmed my decision not to return to work permanently. It has been great having my mom's help these last couple of days. We have taken some new pics this week so here they are...

Here was Caleb at dinner tonight, can't even stay awake! :)

Grandma got ahold of the camera and got some smiles

Hangin out in the kitchen while we made dinner

The cutest outfit


Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Pics

Hello everyone!
I just thought I would post a few more pics to keep you updated on the latest Caleb. He is getting so big! I have been putting him in some 3-6 month clothes already (he's not even 2 months)! We are all doing very well and are really enjoying some nice weather this week.
Next week I have to go back to work just for a few days to train the replacement that they hired this week. I am a little nervous about it, leaving Caleb all day mostly. It's only a week and I will get through it.
Here are the pictures...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Caleb's cute faces

We took this video this week while Caleb and I have been in Michigan.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The latest

Hello everyone! I apologize sincerely for not posting any pictures lately. I hadn't realized how long it had been until someone reminded me. Time is just flying by and Caleb will be 6 weeks old tomorrow! He was up to 11 lbs 3 oz on Monday of this week.
Lots of new things are going on around here, the biggest being my decision not to return to work. It was a hard decision, as I really did love my job, but I just couldn't bear giving up my baby. I am very excited about this. I plan to finish the salon in our basement and set up shop (so if you live in Cedar Rapids, spread the word! :) )
Here are a few pictures for now, I have to head to a doctors appointment and will try to post more later...

Hangin' with Daddy watching some Michigan football

Sleepin' with Daddy (a regular occurrence)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More pics...

So I have officially decided that he is by far the cutest, most precious baby in the whole world!
We are so blessed to have this healthy baby boy in our lives, and even though it can be rough and I wish I could sleep more, it's so worth it.
Oh so peaceful sleep...

In the midst of a sneeze, one of my favorite things :)

Wide awake

Thursday, January 29, 2009

the apple of our eye

So here are some more photos...Trying to keep all you people updated. Enjoy!
Just hangin out at home. He actually wore this same outfit all day, without blowing out or peeing in it. This is a milestone.

Just sittin with daddio

Proud (but very tired) daddy

Wide awake little boy

Very happy little boy, when he's not hungry, dirty or wet. :)

Already praying..."Now I lay me down to sleep..."

He spent most of the morning bright eyed and bushy tailed.
Not so crazy about the bath time...

But the after part is precious. snuggly :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

More Pictures of Caleb

Follow this link to see more pictures of Caleb.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Welcome to the world Caleb Matthew Zoodsma

Caleb Matthew Zoodsma
Born: 5:38pm January 23, 2009
Weight: 8lbs 13ozs
Length: 22 inches

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So...I am officially overdue! God is definitely testing my patience. I just have to keep reminding myself that I have made it 40 weeks, I can make it one more. At the doctor yesterday I was 2 1/2 cm dilated. This is progress from 1 cm last week. She will induce labor next Tuesday if it doesn't happen before then. I'm really praying that it doesn't get that far. I took a walk on my lunch break today to try getting things moving around in there. I did start to get a little uncomfortable, but I think it was mostly my hips and now my back is sore. We just keep praying that baby Z will be ready to come out soon. We are so ready to meet him! I will surely keep this updated when the big day finally arrives...hopefully soon!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Any day now...

So, if you haven't heard yet I am VERY READY to have this baby. The countdown is down to 13 days till D-day. As I sit here this big guy in my belly is kickin to get out!! And I just want to say..."Fine, come out!" Sleep is rough and I am anxious to get to know this little human that's been growing inside of me for 9 months. I spent all day Monday preparing. I did all the baby laundry including all of his clothes, bed sheets, changing pad covers, and burp cloths. It was so fun to go through all of this stuff again and see how little he will be to fit in to his newborn clothes and newborn diapers! It is still amazing and slightly hard to believe that God has entrusted Brad and I with this little son. I feel very blessed to have such a helpful husband who is just as excited as I am to start this new adventure in our lives.
I finally feel like I am ready as far as getting all of his stuff opened, cleaned, and set up. As far as the rest of the house goes...I've got a little work to do.
Hopefully I can make it through this weekend as I have a Youth Group retreat. I will be north about 20 miles with the High School kids from church Friday night and Saturday night. Although I have let my fellow leaders know that if Friday night does not go well as far as sleep for me I will not be spending the night Saturday to Sunday. I am looking forward to the weekend, I just hope it goes fast as well as the next week afterwards.
I will try to post pictures of our new vehicle sometime this week, but I should sign off for now! Have a great rest of your week all, and the next time you hear from us we will probably have a baby!!
