Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So I know I have been really bad about updating this lately. I have been a little preoccupied since we got home after Thanksgiving. If you had not heard yet, we've had a little car trouble. While our Malibu was in the shop in Wyoming, I had a little spin out in the Saturn here in Cedar Rapids. I am ok along with the baby, but the car is not...because it wasn't worth much hitting the curb caused too much damage to fix it. So Brad and I get some real bonding time everyday on the way to and from work everyday. It's not so bad. We will be trying to make do at least until after we get home from GR at Christmas. We will then re-evaluate our budget and see what we can purchase. We have a busy couple of weeks here before heading back east. We are trying to get in some alone time, just the two of us before it's too late. It hit me the other day, not out of regret but purely shock, that this is the last 6 weeks or so where it's just the two of us (and Maggie of course). I have also been told by many that an updated picture is in order. I have to admit that I have been delaying this for quite some time now as I have been feeling not so pretty lately, and FAT. But I just need to remind myself that I am pregnant and it's ok... so here it is:

I am getting very ready and anxious for this to be over. I am very blessed to have had an easy pregnancy (if there is such a thing), but still look forward way more to the next part. This last 30 weeks or so has flown by, I don't think 8 months has ever gone so fast in my life.

I have a doctor's appointment in about 45 minutes. My 34 week appointment. I am on the every 2 week schedule now. I think I actually get to see MY doctor today.

On Saturday we went and took a tour of the women's center at the hospital where we will be delivering. It is top notch! I may not want to go home ;) Just kidding... But it is a really nice facility with great staff. I can't wait to make those phone calls! Well I'm off the doctor. Pray for me, I always get really nervous that something is going to be wrong... See you all soon!
