Thursday, April 16, 2009

smiles, hiccups, and spit

I took this video of Caleb yesterday. Wait unti the end to see the huge glob of spit that he works up. It's pretty funny and of course he's pretty cute the rest of it too. Like normal he's got the hiccups.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our little heart breaker

Hello a little update. Things are going great! Caleb is growing like a weed these days. I can't believe how fast time is going and how big he is getting. He is over 13 pounds already! We have his 2 month check-up tomorrow. Unfortunately this means his first round of shots :( I'm really not looking forward to it. I'm sure I'm dreading it more than he is.

The big news is that Caleb slept through the night last night! 7 hours straight in his crib. This is verrrry exciting. We'll see if this becomes a habit but I'm not getting my hopes up.

A friend of mine took some very cute pictures for us the other day, but for some reason I couldn't get them to load, so here is a link to a few of the favorites...
