Thursday, October 2, 2008


Today is the day. The day that Brad ditches me to go up to Michigan. I'm okay with it...I think. I'm sure I'll be fine, I just really don't like coming home to a dark house at night all alone. I've also been really homesick lately but I just have to keep reminding myself only a couple more weeks and my parents will be here. They seem to always make everything ok. And then the next weekend we go to sunny Florida!
The next couple months will FLY by, I'm sure of it. We have quite a few busy weekends in the next two months with visitors and trips planned.
I had a regular OB check yesterday and the doc. says everything looks great! The baby's heartrate was 145. I've gained 10 pounds to date. (The only time in my whole life where I will update you on my weight gain) I am 25 weeks this week. I think this means officially in my third trimester!? I can't believe it!! I don't mind this whole pregnancy thing.
Well I should probably get back to work now, maybe an update later this weekend. Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

The VanderLaans said...

I hope you're not too lonely this weekend. At least you have Maggie to keep you company. Maybe you can even teach her to snore! [Just teasing Brad! :^)]

It looks like Brad should have good weather for the football game--cool, but clear at least. Let's hope for another U of M victory!

It's hard to believe you're in your third trimester already. WOW! Baby Z is going to be here before you know it!


Aunt Sandy

P.S. Thanks for the prayers!
