Saturday, October 11, 2008

Date Night!

So last night Brad and I went out for a much needed date night. Instead of just going out for dinner and a movie (like usual) we went out to "Bloomsbury Farms." We went with the plan to go in the corn maze. Well we found out when we got there that the only corn open at night is the HAUNTED corn maze. YIKES!!! Well I didn't chicken out. We did it, and I didn't pee my pants! Afterward we walked around and saw some of the other things that they have on the farm. Here are some pictures:

And then we picked out some pumpkins. We had a great time, and it was fun to do something different. I'm off to the apple orchard with the girls. Have a good day!

1 comment:

mhowie67 said...

was there a weight limit on that horse?? ;) Looks like a good time!!
